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Nigel Inglis
Born in Pakistan
47 years
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vanessa inglis

Well it's coming close to chirstmas and i cann't help but think about all the times that we would look forward to seeing u. I have to say that the best feeling out of the whole year was when u would come home for chirstmas, but this year is different cause i know that i will never see u again.I cann't help but think when u came down last year for new years and u told me "drinking beers alot vanessa" cause i was 8 mouths preant. I know that u are watching over me and noami and looking down on us.I hope that u are proud of me for what i have become a good mother. I will always follow in your footstep dad and make sure that my kids get the best of everthing  cause that's what u did with us.I will never forget u i will always let noami know who her grandfather is and i will make sure that she knows that. I know that u will be with us for christmas we will make the best of it cause we had the best time when u were  around. We all have become closer and now we know who are the most important people in are life. Ryan and nigel are going to carry your name on and make u proud. I know that u miss us as much as we miss u and i know that if it could have been different u would have made it happen.In this time alot has happend and some people have become closer to us and some havn't. I remerber u telling us that we should always consider  what other's do for us and we have.  All the people that have been there for us r the people that are going to be there for life cause they were there when we were weak. I will always be thinking of u the most and i love that before God took u away form me we became closer and nobody can take that away form me........


i love u sooooooo much........

i will miss u sooooo much to........Your little Chumchi

Ryan Inglis
wow so i'm doing like u told me and i'm in camp.  i dont know how u did this stuff but man does it get lonely i have no family to talk to and these people r a mess up here.  Anyways a memory of u is when i got sick as a kid.  The time u took me to play cricket and the other team did'nt show up so all u old guys practiced while i decieded to jump in that deep puddle of rain water like a chokra.  man were u mad i think that was th day i saw the worst.. I actually think that that was the day i got the fear of dad in me not cause u gave me licks but i learnt the look and then when i got sick u and man were there 24/7 to take care off me. 
Hi dad just sittin here listenen to all the songs that remind me of u, i jus cant get over all the wonderful times we had in dubai, as u know those were the best years of my life.  I was talkin to micheal moody the other day and we talkin about those days and almost brought tears to my eyes knowing that it was in the past and would not happen again.  I miss u soooooo much and sometimes find it hard to think positive about life cause nobody stops to think about the ones that r suffering the loss of u the most.  i have really kept my cool and been nice about everything but it's building up inside and i feel i'm going to blow.  so i'm lettin u know about it so i can get it off my chest.  I am going back to Alberta to work on a 14 and 7 shift so i'm home and still makin decent money and tring to stay a float.  i will keep u updated on here incase u have to stray away for a min.  I love u and miss u and i will try to keep r name respected although othe people have tried to degrade it like that other website.  People need not to know our business.  anyways all those people ar'nt even worth the stress, just know that i love u and i will make u proud off ur family 
Ryan Inglis
I cant believe it i dont have a memory to share but i have some things to say to u.  first off everybody says to rest but i cant let u rest just yet u still have a lot of shit to take care off like giving me the strength to pick up where u left off,  what a mess.  I dont get it.  all i really have to say is,  show me the way to make mom and the kids happy,  Remember thats all i asked u for in june.  and then rest.

Hey Nigel,

For some reason I have thought alot about you today, so Im gonna make strip Bujia (the dish you invented) and have a good feed. Hope you can taste the red pepper.

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